
2023 Forth Hope Expeditions Now Available Published: 14 Jul 2022

We are delighted to announce that applications to join the Forth Hope Medical Programme, Peru in 2023 are now open.

An expedition with the Forth Hope Programme not only gives you the chance to learn about local health needs and use your medical skills to support the services. It's also a great opportunity to discover more of the local culture from the excellent Peruvian team who manage and deliver the work throughout the year.

There are a total of 21 trip ‘legs’, most lasting around 10/11 days which volunteers can apply to join throughout the year, and the option to combine these to create longer expeditions from 20 up to 36 days in some cases. 

The expeditions will also be focusing primarily on the Ucayali and Puinahua river systems, but there are also opportunities to join expeditions to the Marañon and Amazonas rivers in the second half of the year. 

Applications are now open on the website - Please see the full list of dates via the following link -

Some important information to note:

* Vine Trust recognises that it has a duty of care to the people in the communities in , the workers in the and to its volunteers.  These volunteer trips will only take place after agreement with our programme partners and regional stakeholders, and in full compliance with all national and international travel guidelines