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The MV Lady Jean arrives in Mwanza!
The MV Lady Jean has arrived safely into Mwanza, completing the final leg of its journey from the UK. This new vessel will provide an additional 50,000 consultations each year through the Jubilee Hope Medical Programme. A significant part of this ship’s work will be to create a new supply chain of life-saving medication (antiretrovirals) for people living with HIV, as well as to enhance existing testing, counselling and treatment services…
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Dr Julia McLean Grant Fund
Vine Trust are delighted to announce a new grant fund opportunity for volunteers on medical expeditions... Financial assistance grants to medical students, nursing students, midwifery students, qualified nurses and qualified midwives to volunteer with the Jubilee Hope Medical Programme (Tanzania), as well as dental students to the Amazon Hope Medical Programme (Peru). The Dr Julia McLean Grant Fund has been set up to provide financial assistance to volunteers who will…
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Vine Trust celebrates its 40th Anniversary in 2025
In 2025, Vine Trust will celebrate its 40th anniversary! To commemorate and celebrate this important milestone, Vine Trust is planning to hold a number of special events across the UK. The events will take on a variety of different formats, each with the opportunity for past and present volunteers to meet together, celebrate everything that has been achieved and look forward to all the great work still to be done…
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“I See The Medical Ship As A Godsend!”
Behind all of the statistics of patient consultation numbers and work achieved, there is an individual story of a patient whose life has been changed through the compassionate and caring work of the Jubilee Hope team. This wonderful truth was highlighted again recently during a recent visit to the islands, when the team met up with a patient who had accessed its services over the years. The patient, Zaituni is…
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School Expeditions Return To Tanzania!
It’s only a few weeks ago that Katie Halliburton, Vine Trust’s Volunteer Support Coordinator stepped off the plane back in the UK after an extended visit to Tanzania to oversee the return of our school expeditions programme. Katie worked closely with the team from TAWREF (Tanzanian Women Research Foundation) and was supported by highly experienced Vine Trust volunteer, Doug Gillies to provide an exciting range of impactful experiences and opportunities…
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